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Condo insurance in Orlando

Learn how to find affordable condo insurance in Orlando, Florida.

Orlando is world famous for a reason. Right in the center of Florida, it’s home to Disney World, a Universal Studios, Sea World, and many resorts. But you don’t have to be a thrillseeker to find a reason to lay down roots in Orlando. Its proximity to beaches, vibrant food scene, and art community has something for everyone. There’s even the annual Florida Film Festival that features more than 150 independent films.

It’s also one of the many places in Florida where we offer competitive condo insurance. Take a look at what makes our policies affordable, what coverage we offer in our Florida HO6 insurance, and how to control the risks condo owners face in Orlando.

Orlando condo insurance costs

The cost of condo coverage varies depending on your condo structure. As you can see below, condos in high-rise buildings have lower average premiums because these structures tend to be more wind resistant and less exposed to flood damage. That’s important considering Orlando’s hurricane risk.

Our average Orlando condo insurance premium for a high rise condo is $844 a year, and for low rise condos, it’s $1,042 a year.

Average Orlando condo insurance premiums

Structure Kin average premium
Low rise average premium $1,042
High rise average premium $844

That said, your rates may be much lower – it all depends on your condo’s location, age, safety features, and claims history. The best way to know what you’ll pay? Get a quote!

What Orlando condo insurance covers

Your condo insurance policy (or HO-6 policy) picks up where your homeowners association’s master policy leaves off. The HOA master policy usually covers shared areas and your condo’s exterior, while your policy covers your condo’s interior and more, such as:

  • Dwelling interior that covers the parts of your condo that the master policy doesn’t – typically the floors, ceilings, fixtures, and improvements.
  • Personal property to help replace or repairs belongings that are lost or damaged by a covered event. Think: your clothes, furniture, exercise equipment, and more.
  • Loss of use, which is an allowance to cover additional living expenses when a covered claim keeps you from staying at your condo.
  • Loss assessment to help pay your portion of the master policy deductible or shared repair.
  • Personal liability to covers your legal expenses when you’re sued over someone’s injury or property damage.
  • Medical payments, which covers small medical bills when a guest is injured at your home.

Condo coverage for Orlando’s natural disasters

Your condo policy covers your home for all events except those the policy lists as exclusions. This is an open-perils policy, and that means a lot of sources of damage are included: fire, theft, vandalism, windstorm, internal water damage, and more.

But some catastrophic events, like floods, require extra consideration. Let’s see how your coverage responds to some of Orlando’s biggest risks.

Orlando hurricane coverage

Orlando sits in such a central location on the Florida peninsula that it can face a hurricane from the Gulf or the Atlantic coast. Hurricane insurance is essential for this area, and it’s automatically included in your Kin condo policy. Just remember that your hurricane deductible applies for damage from named storms.

Orlando flood insurance

The city of Orlando is subject to flooding from rain that accumulates in poorly draining land. Without flood insurance, the damage from even a few inches of water can leave condo owners with tens of thousands in repair costs.

While a homeowner’s only option for flood insurance once was the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), times are changing! Now you can add on flood insurance to your condo policy. It’s an affordable way to fill the gap in your homeowners policy that excludes flood damage.

Orlando sinkhole insurance

The ground beneath Orlando’s concrete jungle has a high concentration of limestone. When saturated after a flood, the limestone can erode and collapse, causing sinkholes. Your Kin condo owners policy includes catastrophic ground cover collapse coverage that can help you rebuild after a severe sinkhole loss.

Tips for keeping condo insurance affordable

We reward you with lower rates when you take steps to make your condo safer. We offer discounts for:

You can also adjust your deductible to reduce your premium. The higher the deductible, the lower your premiums. Just make sure you don’t take on a deductible you can’t comfortably afford with little notice.

Get a better condo insurance policy today. Call us at 855-717-0022 or enter your address for a quote.

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