Landlord insurance in Jacksonville
Get a landlord insurance quote for your Florida rental property today!
Whether you’re up in Eagle Bend, down in Del Rio, or in any of the neighborhoods in between, it’s easy to see why Jacksonville tops so many lists of the best places to live in Florida. The city offers world-class beaches, college and professional sports, arts and cultural events, and a robust, innovative business community.
If you’re lucky enough to have a home or rental property in Jacksonville, your first order of business should be to make sure it’s protected with quality landlord insurance, (also called a DP3 policy). Unfortunately, one of the things that makes Jacksonville popular – its location – also makes insuring property there expensive.
Let’s take a look at how much landlord insurance in Jacksonville costs and how we’re working to keep coverage affordable.
How much does landlord insurance cost in Florida?
According to the Insurance Information Institute, landlord policies generally cost about 25% more than standard homeowners. The reason? Landlords need more protection, so they cost more to insure.
In Florida, landlord insurance typically costs a pretty penny due to the high cost of reinsurance, litigation and the state’s significant weather risks. That plus Jacksonville’s location means many landlords see fairly expensive premiums.
Factors impacting the cost of landlord insurance in Jacksonville
Landlord insurance premiums are typically based on characteristics of both your property and your location. For example, many insurers consider factors such as:
The size of your property. Larger, more expensive properties cost more to insure.
The age and construction of your building. Brick homes tend to have lower landlord insurance premiums than frame homes because they're more resistant to strong winds and less prone to fire damage.
Your city’s crime rate. A high property crime rate means you have a greater chance if having a claim about theft or vandalism. Unfortunately, Jacksonville’s property crime rate is higher than the national median.
Your city’s weather. Risk Factor notes that Jacksonville’s extreme wind risk and moderate fire risk.
The number of rental units. Landlord insurance costs are typically higher for multi-family complexes than for a rental property with a single tenant or a duplex.
The presence of a swimming pool or any other attractive nuisance. Having a pool, trampoline, or playground equipment comes with greater liability risks and increases insurance costs.
The coverage amounts and deductibles you choose. A larger deductible can help you save on your monthly premium.
Your roof's condition also seriously impacts your landlord insurance costs. Properties with older roofs tend to have higher landlord insurance premiums, as will those with older siding, pipes, and HVAC systems.
How to save with Kin Insurance
The key to insuring homes is understanding risk. At Kin, we use technology to evaluate as much publicly available insurance data as we can get. This allows us to better identify how resilient your home is to damage and to price your policy appropriately.
We’re also able to offer discounts to landlords who install security systems or fire alarms. Discounts are also available for secured communities (think: security guards, key cards, single entry, or community patrols).
Finally, you can lower insurance premiums by choosing higher deductibles. Kin offers the following deductible options for landlord insurance in Jacksonville:
Standard deductible: $500, $1,000, $2,500, and $5,000
Hurricane deductible: $500 or 1%, 2%, 5%, or 10% of your Coverage A.
Not every landlord saves money when they get insured with us, but our members report average savings of over $600 when they join Kin.*
Frequently asked questions about landlord insurance
You’re already well on your way to getting the appropriate landlord insurance you need to protect your property. Below are links to some additional information you may want to check out.
Resources for Jacksonville landlords
How to get landlord insurance in Jacksonville, FL
Getting landlord insurance anywhere in Florida is easy. Just enter your address to apply and our system can walk you through the application.
Florida landlord insurance guides
*Customers who switched to Kin report annual savings of $612 on average. Based on Kin Customer Savings Survey conducted January 2023 - January 2024. Potential savings may vary.
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The opinions expressed belong solely to individual reviewers and do not reflect the opinions of the Kin Insurance, Inc. group of companies or affiliates. Reviews are provided for informational purposes only.
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