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What is the Mississippi wind mitigation program?

In 2007, an act of the Mississippi Legislature created a windstorm mitigation program for homeowners along the state's Gulf Coast. The program, run by the Mississippi Insurance Department (MID), encourages and facilitates strengthening coastal homes to withstand hurricane-force winds by offering free wind inspections by qualified hurricane mitigation inspectors to eligible homeowners.

Mississippi’s program also allows homeowners to apply for matching grants for the cost of repairs once their homes have undergone wind certification and hurricane mitigation inspections approved by MID.

Wind mitigation refers to using wind-resistive construction techniques to better protect a home from wind damage. The wind mitigation process involves adding features to your home to reduce the likelihood of damage caused by wind damage. Undergoing wind mitigation also helps you save money on your home insurance. 

What areas of my home might need wind mitigation? 

Wind mitigation often consists of home-hardening activities, such as:

  • Reinforcing roof deck attachments.

  • Reinforcing roof-to-wall attachments.

  • Reinforcing or adding a secondary water barrier on roof decking.

  • Adding bracing for gable ends.

  • Shuttering openings such as windows and doors.

  • Retrofitting exterior garage doors.

Mississippi adheres to the standards put forth by the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS) known as the FORTIFIED Home™ program

Who needs to mitigate wind risk in Mississippi?

If your home is in a high-risk area, mitigating wind risk is a good idea. Nothing can guarantee absolute protection from wind damage along the coast of Mississippi, but many retrofitting projects can strengthen your home and minimize the damage you might experience. 

Older buildings are often not as wind resistant as newer homes that have been built to current codes and standards. Additionally,  new buildings that weren’t designed to the most recent wind resistance standards are usually good candidates for wind risk mitigation in Mississippi. 

While any homeowner can benefit from a wind mitigation inspection, those in hurricane- or tornado-prone areas may see the greatest impact on their premium.

What are the benefits of mitigating your wind risk? 

The Mississippi wind mitigation program ultimately strengthens your home's ability to withstand hurricanes. Plus, it allows you to receive discounts on your Mississippi House & Property insurance.

The first step is getting a wind inspection by a certified professional. This inspection outlines the improvements you can make to your home to increase its resistance to hurricane wind damage. The inspection typically includes cost estimates for each modification, as well as estimates of the insurance discounts for which you may become eligible.

To demonstrate you’re eligible for an insurance discount, you must:

  • Provide your insurance information when you apply for an inspection.

  • Work with an MID-approved inspector.

The inspector will give you a completed and signed form for your insurance company. You’re not obligated to make any of the alterations or repairs, but you can be reimbursed if you do.

How much does a wind mitigation inspection cost in Mississippi?

The Mississippi wind mitigation program offers wind inspections for free. Qualified hurricane mitigation inspectors perform inspections for eligible homeowners.